Although we are not home....we were at The Wilds today ...a conservation park/breeding grounds for rare and exotic animals in Cumberland, Ohio. I am not able to crop or edit any of the photos, but will say I look forward to scrapping our vacation. Today's stop was the last of our planned places to see...the remaining is impromptu. It's late and everyone is sleeping around me, so I will quickly upload some images of our safari and catch some zzzz's myself.
As you can see, all kinds of creatures lurk in the tall grassess... too bad he was wearing red, as Kyle could have pulled off his sneak attack a bit more. We finished up our tour of The Wilds by stopping at the birding observation deck on a hill located off the highway leading to the main facilities. From the vantage point we could watch ospreys on the nest. We witnessed one adult fly off the nest to a nearby pond, where it captured not a fish for lunch, but a twig for nest building. It looks like my pics could be decent despite the fast action, but until I can look, crop and view...sharing will come later on.
We had PERFECT weather in the mid to high 70s today - the animals were moving around because it was not sweltering, as it was Sunday. It's been fun - we have some more stops, but I look forward to sleeping in my own bed again!
Happy creating - and making family memories!
Rita S.
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