It’s St. Patrick’s Day, and although many will tout the “Luck of the Irish”, I have to share, with the risk of being boo-hoo’d, that I don’t believe in luck. Nor do our children. Today’s shared layout speaks of our firm position that there is no such thing as luck.
The journaling reads:Rabbit feet and 4-leaf clovers for good luck; stepping on cracks, standing under ladders, or black cats crossing your path for bad luck- we don't believe in any of those things. We don't believe in luck - because we know God is sovereign and in control of every occurrence - there is no such thing as LUCK.
This past Friday was the 13th - when I had our son stand under a ladder, and had our daughter stand on cracks in the sidewalk. Nothing bad happened…and in fact, our son declared it a very GOOD day because the video game he had ordered and had been waiting for finally arrived. I still recall the day six years ago when we were out walking with the neighbors. Not sure how the conversation began, but the older neighbor girl said something about good luck, and our five year old spoke right up, “there’s not such thing as luck, our fate is controlled by God.” I was walking ahead of the kids, overheard the conversation and smiled inwardly. My husband has voiced those exact same words many times…who says kids don’t parrot their parents? (LOL)
Putting this layout together was inspired by coming across an old photo from my childhood – one of my favorite black cats on the farm. I had named them all Spooky…and I think I got up to Spooky the V. Knowing I had a Magistical Memories “Black Cat Scroll” in the chipboard bin was the catalyst I needed to put this layout together. The green patterned papers are Reminisce and Collage Press. You may also note the use of the Fiskars Upper Crest border punch. Do you like it?
Well, this could be your chance to get one! To celebrate the recent fortune of finding a job in this downtrodden economy, and the upcoming celebration of 46 years in my journey, I want to give away the Upper Crest border punch. I want to bless someone!
All you have to do is leave a comment in THIS THREAD, and tell me one blessing you have experienced today. Send a friend over to post, make sure they include your name, and you will be entered again. Please, I need to limit the drawing to U.S. citizens only. Unfortunately, we are still recovering from my previous job loss, so I cannot be too extravagant with shipping costs, as much as I wish I could be!
I would love to have Abby draw a name on Thursday, March 26th, HOWEVER, I want to see at least 100 comments left before the drawing takes place. So please help spread the word - thanks! I know God is in control of this drawing, and I cannot wait to see who He is going to bless with Upper Crest!
Rita I love your layout and the story behind it!
Congrats on the new job!!!!
Ruth bless you and your new job! Life is tough right now and I'm glad to hear a happy-ending story. I am blessed with four healthy kids. I try to remember that every night when I get bogged down with all the things they didn't do. I love them very much.
I really enjoyed your blog. I am blessed with 3 wonderful grandsons and am so thankful I get to spend time with them. I have been blessed in so many other ways as well.
My goodness...I am so blessed! I suppose to name one tonight it would be for a loving and close family.
Rita your layout is totally awesome.
My blessing today was a quite house for a little while so I could just rest.
Your layout is aborable. Cute story. I had a cat named spooky too. I hope you much success in your new job. May your journey be blessed. I am blessed with many things. Mostly the love of family and friends.
I was blessed today because I took the day off work to have a family day at the zoo - and the weather was gorgeous to boot!
Anonymous comment was me stampaholic85, it won't let me show my name......
I'm am so blessed that this morning, my son got off the ventilator, had the tube pulled and is doing so much better. He gave us a scare with pneumonia last week and I'm so blessed to be Mom to this beautiful young man, born with CP, dependent on us totally for his care, but enjoys life through others and shares his magnificient smile.
Awesome layout!! I really like you blog. Congrats on the job!!
way to cool on the job. I totaly understand I have been out of work since the week before Thanksgiving. I have a few blessings that have happened in my life this past week. I have gotten to work on my personal space to make it mine. I have had old friends comming out of the woodwork. I have had new friends poping up.
I have a wonderful husband and we are celebrating our 5th anniversary. Since we can't really afford an anniversary we are "post poning" our weekend away until april when he has a business trip to Spokane. That is a blessing in its own right I will go with him and get to explore a new place. We will then splurge and spend an extra day out there before driving home. I totaly love the idea. So its been a great time this past week life is good to me I forget to stop and think about the positives in my life thanks.
alex fiskateer 3005
What a wonderful story and congratulations on the job.
As it is only 1:22 AM, my day has not yet officially begun, but I will say that I am surely blessed to own my own home, have a secure job and a roof over my head so that I may spend time with my family on this St. Patrick's day (and spring break.)
What could be better?!
Annemarie (mommyvictory)
well, I am lucky #13. I am blessed that the ecomony looks like it might get better soon.
Great story I love your layout.
I am blessed with my wonderful husband that I've been with 40 yr. since I was 15 and he was 16. We have 2 great sons, one is a Federal Police Officer and my youngest is protecting our county in the Army as a Green Beret. Also 4 beautiful grand daughters.
Congratulations on your new job.
Why am I blessed? Very easy answer. Because of our awesome Lord. Everything that I have today is because He knows I need it; everything I do not have is because He knows I do not need it, at least not yet and maybe never. He is my provider, He is all I need.
Oh wow, I'm so glad I found your blog! What an inspiration you are!!
Why am I blessed? I am a 70 year old widow who has been given an opportunity to meet so many new friends through scrapbooking. Everyday when I wake up I thank God for another blessed day!!! Today is no different!
God Bless YOU in your new job!!
I am always blessed, even when I take it for granted. I have a roof over my head, food on the table and an awesome family! What more do I need? Congrats on the new job Rita :)
Love this layout and the story behind it! I smiled to myself too, reading what your child said about God and luck!
As for blessings today, well...it's early in the a.m. so my day hasn't totally started, but I am blessed that both my daughter and I woke up this morning healthy and happy (well, as happy as a teenager is to get up for school LOL!)...
Just wanted to say hi! Love the layout and your story.
PS. I have that punch and it's awesome!!!
Congrats on your new job! I really love that layout!! I'd say one thing that I was blessed with just this morning is that my daughter actually got up on time and got dressed all by herself! We've been struggling with this for awhile now and today she did it. ha (She was excited for me to make her green pancakes for St. Patty's day!)
Thanks for the chance to win. I don't have any of these new punches yet and would LOVE one!
i am blessed by my family, my DH and two kids! i really liked your layout.
Great layout!!. My blessing is having my beautiful little girl. She's the reason for my very existance.
Thanks for the chance to win.
What a great giveaway Rita! I always count my blessings with my health, job, family and friends, food, a house, etc... I try not to take anything for granted because I know how fortunate I am. Great layout!!
Congrats on your new job!!
Your layout is just wonderful. What a generous giveaway. Thanks! I'm blessed with a wonderful family.
I am blessed with ALL my wonderful
scrapbooking family!!! Without all of you I would not be doing what I LOVE to do now!!! Rita you
are a great inspiration to all of us with your beautiful layouts!!
God Bless you and your family!!
I love the layout and stories. Good for U!!
I am Blessed with a wonderful daughter. I wouldn't trade her for anything. She does get on that last nerve sometimes but always there when I need her :=)
Congrats on the job Rita! I am loving the Fiskars punches and I don't have this one yet!
I am so happy that you were able to find a job. I know how difficult that is to do right now!
Today, it is still early but I have been blessed already with some small but great things- my 10 year old daughter let me put a pretty green bow (one actually from a sistv style phyle) which made me, and her, remember that she is still such a little girl. And the weather is gorgeous- allowing me to make up for what i slacked on in the fall, raking the leaves. Not only that- but I am starting early with the spring yard work- and i love that- fresh air and an opportunity for the grass to fill in from the long icy winter..
Amen to that!! God has control over everything!! Love your layout!! And how sweet of you to give away that gorgeous punch!!! I love it!! I could name so many ways that God has blessed me but right now as I type and feel the sun shining on my face, I am blessed that God answered our prayers and we live in such a beautiful place.
I am blessed that DH has a secure job, which provides us with excelelent healthcare and a new home.
Are you from Selah, WA? I am from Zillah. The military currently has us in Utah. We are planning a trip to Yakima to visit family over Memorial Day.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I really enjoyed reading your blog today and love your music choices as well.
I am thankful for the gift of life today, my faith, my family and this journey I am on. God has blessed me in so many ways. I love to see other women blessing others and sharing the word of God!
Have a great day and congrats on your new career!!
What a beautiful page!!! you know, I have never seen that punch before but it is fabulous!!!
I feel like I have so many blessings everyday!!!! One of my fave blessing s that happens on many mornings is when DS (almost 4 years) climbs into our bed to snuggle in the morning. I cherish these days!
Have a blessed day!!
Congratulations on the new job!
What a great punch! My friend Stacey sent me over to your site this morning.
Glad to hear you found employment. I just got a job yesterday too. YEA! My sister-in-law PattyB sent me to your blog today. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Great l/o. How awesome for you Rita. Congrats on the new job and all that life has to offer. Having a job right now is definitely a blessing and as much as I'm not happy with it, it is a job and I can pay my bills.
Good luck.
Great punch by the way.
I am blessed with a very BEST husband. He gives 100% to our family. He truly would give up anything, do anything, etc for us. He at times has worked 3 jobs to make ends meet and keep us "happy" and "healthy". God really gave me the best in my dh.
*I misread the part about a blessing for "today", so I've made this second post.
Today I am blessed by God's gift of a beautiful sunny day and that my family is well!
I love your layout Rita Rita IM so very proud of you my friend!
What a great story and I love the layout! LOL Very cute. I had a wonderful black cat named Midnight who was the best mouser and the sweetest friend.
We are so blessed to be together as a family and for the sunshine outside today!
Yay for your new job! God is good and blesses us with so much!
I am blessed today to play in the sandbox and swing with my boys. The weather is so gorgeous today!
Having a lovely St. Patrick's day. I was blessed to be able to bake cookies for my co-workers and share. Today I also got blessed with a card from friend. Good luck in your new adventure.
Christy #4991
very cute layout....and I feel blessed that my husband works very hard for me to be able to enjoy doing things with our six year old son which we had a field trip today with his school and I felt blessed also to be able to share that time with him. Sharon
What am I blessed with? I am blessed with God's love everyday actually. I was a fool for so many years and he still allowed me to come back and have such a life that I would not trade for anything. God has blessed me with a husband that is truly a God-send! He saved my life and that is why I am blessed everyday. I am also blessed with many friends that I am happy to call my friends.
P.S. fromtheowlsnest sent me :)
Well, Rita. You are extremely talented and I am very jealous. The layout is very clever and very cute. I'm sure you wouldn't mind finishing my cards for the swap next month. Ha! Bonnie H
thats a great LO!!!! i really like the black cat!
today i was blessed that i did not have to pay full price for a new car battery. my battery died on me yesterday and they tested it, and it failed. my warranty on the old battery was for 36 months, and that was up 2 years ago. i thought i was gonna have to dish out $100+ that i didnt have. but i ended up paying $70, still quite a bit, but less, so im happy! it had some kind of prorated warranty on it that i didnt know about, so it gave me a discount.
I was blessed to get back in touch with a good friend who moved away. She's a dear friend and I was upset when we lost contact. Now she's back and it's like she never left my life!
Congrats on your new job! I am blessed with a wonderful dh who has been very supportive with the medical issues I am dealing with.
I am blessed with family. Hubby three kids, grandma that has been visiting for 7 weeks, and parents coming to visit tomorrow. I am so thankful that God created family! They are a blessing!
Well...it is 5AM and I can't sleep but I am blessed with this quiet time that can be hard to come across as a SAHM!
Great layout!!! Thanks so much for a chance to win a great giveaway!!
This is the first time I have been to your blog, you do beautiful work! Great story and I tell my kids the same thing. There is no such thing as luck! I am blessed with 2 awesome kids and a husband who would do anything for his family.
my name is Tanya
I have so very many blessings in my life - the least of which is not my beautiful, healthy son, my loving and supportive husband and his job, which allows me to stay home with our son, and the love of our extended family, which is all nearby. For this, and so much more, I am very, very thankful on a daily basis.
So happy to hear about someone finding a new job in this economy!!!
Today I was blessed that everyone in my family is finally through with the flu and healthy to go about their normal day. It has been a rough few weeks and probably the hardest illness year we have ever had. So here's to good health and good fortune for all!
Congrats on the job, rita!! I was blessed this morning with lots of hugs, kisses and "I love you's" from my little ones :-) Thx for the chance to win the punch!
HUGE congrats on the new job, a blessing for sure. 2 of my 3 wee babes that have been very sick were able to return to school today & feel so happy to feel the sunshine on their faces (1 more wee babe to go) but a blessing for sure!
Congratulations on your new job!
That punch looks fabulous!!
Wonderful layout and terrific story! Congrats on the new job! We are blessed to be in a country where we can do anything we set our minds too!
Congratulations! Love the layout, too. I am blessed that I wake up in the morning and that I have a wonderful and healthy family.
I love that LO and your story! You always have the best stories to share! :)
ooohhhhh, I really want one of these!! Thanks for the chance to win one.
SO glad things are going "better" for you! Good luck with the new job.
Rita, I am always inspired by your outlook on life and your layouts. I was saw your work at scrapbookplayground. I am blessed by a loving family and some very dear friends. We might not always see eye to eye, but we know we are there for each other and that is blessing I try not to take for granted.
That is an AWESOME LO!!! I am blessed that at my twins boys Dr check up today they were given a clean bill of health! They were born at 30 weeks and there are SOOO many things that could have gone wrong with them and didn't! I am SOO blessed they are healthy!
Stacey from Paperpopsicles told me of this blog
I always enjoy your creations on SIStv. I took time to go thru the forums and saw your thread was a blessing today. Love your blog:)
Congrats on the new job. A blessing for me would have to be that I have a wonderful family. :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Monica Robinson
I am blessed with all the small things...family, kids, health, a job, a home, etc. They all add up to a big blessing!
oh I would love to win this punch!!! thanks!
Congrats on the new job!
I am truly blessed today to have my hubby home! We are enjoying family time as he will be heading to Iraq for one year very soon.
Thanks for the chance to win this fab border punch! :)
Interesting border punch. I only have one so it would be great to have another. Thanks for your generosity.
I am so blessed today I got to go out for a nice ride with dh and dd. So fun! And have a silly pic of us to prove it. Thanks for the chance at some fun blog candy.
Congrats on your new job, that is awesome!!! I have been blessed today with a wonderful husband to help me while I sit here 9.5 months pregnant!!!! haha!
So happy you like your new job!! Thanks for the awesome chance at this punch!!! I am addicted to these things!!
Love your site. First time visitor. Good luck with your new job.
Hey Rita,
I feel so blessed that my family is all in good health. Even though they sharing the many 'bugs' going around, their overall health is perfect.
Our youth leader is very ill right now and has just gone in for his 3rd surgery. I know God is in control and will be good out of their situation but at the same time, it reminds me to be so thankful for all of our great health.
How sweet of you to have this give away. I hope you reach your goal. I will send some friends your way. ;)
Today I was blessed by spending the day with my family and spending it in the warm spring weather!
congrats on the new job!! love your layout! I am very blessed today to have my nephew visiting for spring break. my son just loves getting to spend time with him
Congrats on your new job!! Lots of goodness lately. But having my family + job is keeping us blessed!!
staceyscraps from paper popsicles sent me over. What an awesome punch and loved the story!
I got to spend the day with my niece and nephews, what a joy they are. I hope that we remain close as they grow older and become more of individuals.
Loved the story! Beautiful layout!
My friend Stacey (staceyscraps) told me about your blog. I'll be back!
I feel totally blessed to live in a rural community where everyone helps everyone, no matter how bad the economy is!
This is such an awesome punch! thank you for the opportunity! and your frog layout is just too cool!
Bless you and good luck in your new job. I am blessed in that my job seems pretty secure right now.
Glad to hear of your new job! I am also a firm believer that there is no such thing as luck. We are blessed, not "lucky"!
My blessing is my surprise baby #3that is due in 4 months. We've struggled with infertility and secondary fertility for all 10 years of our marriage, so this is a HUGE surprise! But...we're not lucky, we're BLESSED. :)
Your layout is lovely and thanks so much for sharing the story behind it :)
Congrats on the new job, woohoo!
I'm blessed today because my children and I are happy and healthy.
My friend Jen:) sent me over to your blog. Congrats on getting your job!
I am blessed today to have an online friend to scrap with. I have many other blessings in my life - but that is the one that TODAY blesses me most.
Congrats on your new job!
I relly enjoyed reading and looking through your blog...I have now added it in my favorites list.
My blessings would be my grandchildren, I have 4 that live pretty closer and 9 that live further away, that I wish I could see more often, but keep them in my thoughts and prayers daily.
God Bless you on your new adventure.
Wow Rita...I haven't visited your blog in a while, and I wonder why I haven't? I am always amazed by your work...you use fabulous detail!
I'm blessed by more than I can say...a loving marriage, happy and healthy almost grown children and a home where we have enough...thanks for reminding me to count my blessings!
Hi Rita, just thought I would help to get your comments closer to 100, although I am not eligible for the draw. I am blessed with a loving hubby, a happy healthly little girl, life and so much more! Love your layouts! Have a happy birthday!!
I am blessed with a healthy family. We've had our challenges there, but we're all thriving now.
I'm blessed with a super wonderful husband, who helps with the house and kids, is thoughtful, funny, smart, and handsome to top it all.
We are blessed with a steady, secure income (as a military family).
We are blessed with family and friends who care about us, and are a possitive influence in our lives (I know many people with bad parents/sibblings, etc).
My mom just visited us and it was a wonderful surprise that she was able to come... I missed her so much and the boys haven't gotten to see her much because she lives so far away. They had a great time bonding and DH and I enjoyed her company as well.
I'm blessed to know God, and to have him in my life.
Love your work. I am blessed with a husband who has a job that allows me to stay home and raise my children.
Love your work. I am blessed with a wonderful husband whose job allows me to stay home and raise our two girls.
I am blessed with great friends like you! Love ya Rita!
Love your LO AND the punch, Rita!
I am blessed with so much: my family, a nice home, and the luxury to not have to work outside the home. (For now, at least!)
Your blog is beautimous! What I'm blessed with? Life, 3 beautiful daughters, a CAN DO spirit and an optimistic attitude!
Happy Birthday!!
I totally agree with you Rita about luck. We are blessed in so many ways and no matter what happens even if we don't see it at the time God is in control. I am blessed to be loved.
Congratulations on your new job! Love your blog. Beautiful layout!
I am so blessed! I suppose to name one tonight it would my two happy and health sons. Even when they drive me crazy!
I have been trying to find that punch, maybe I can win it.
I hope that we can get a few more post, looks like we only need two more
As I once again met my DH at the door feeling kind of weepy---I am reminded of how LUCKY I am to have this man in my life! His love and patience are unconditional and unending! I often wonder what I did to deserve such a loving, caring mate for life!
Nice Layout, Congrats on your new job!
I feel blessed everyday with my very large family, & thier unconditional love and support through the ups & downs of life.
Thanks so much!
Wyknotwyme AKA Rita
I am so blessed to have job in these tryng times. I am also blessed with a great husband who since losing his job last year has taken over the household duties and helps our daughter and myself get out the door ontime in the mornings.
I'm probably too late for this. Harley11067 sent me here.
What a beautiful daughter & story
I am so blessed every day & especially today with the sun shining.
I think I am too late for this..but wanted to add my blessing anyway..which would be my wonderful husband, my furkids that are always happy to see me, my friends whether they are close by or those that I have never met in person and the rest of my family.
I am suppose to tell you Harley sent me...
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