"Each day is a new gift from God, greet it with open arms and give thanks!" This is the journaling I wrote for the layout above, and one of the quotes in my January Inspirational Challenge at Kjoi Studios. How often do we take each day for granted? How often do we realize the gift of life given to us and thank the Lord each morning as we rise? I know I don't do it nearly enough, but working on a layout for this challenge has definitely made me more aware.
January is a tough time for many people. Winter doldrums, depression - it hits many hard and especially at holiday time. If you are enjoying life take time to pray for all those who are not. I have many wonderful friends who suffer from depression, and like the commercial says, "who does depression affect?" Everyone. I also want to encourage you to step forward if you see a friend whose depression is so severe that you are concerned for their life. If you are not the primary person to make medical decisions, contact a family member who is.
We are coming up on the anniversary of the death of my friend and neighbor. She hid her depression so well as we chatted about gardening. Sad to say I did not know her well enough. But it was a wake up call for me to act for another friend who suffered terribly from depression. Sometimes a spouse does not see things clearly or understand the disease. When this is the case, you need to go beyond and talk with a parent or someone else who has influence in your loved ones life. Medical treatment is available...and finding the right medicine can also take much trial and error.
Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, and sometimes all the Godly faith in the world cannot cure it. I firmly believe God helps in creating medicines that help us - and it is OK to take medicine, even if you are a Christ follower. I do know that I have my friend back, as she was before depression. Sure, she is on medicine everyday, but if that is what it takes for her to live a meaningful life, you can be certain it is right by God.
I love the photo used in the layout above. When God gives us rain, many of us complain. But not children - free in spirit and unburdened by life, they embrace the rainfall and take joy in the puddles that result. I remember this spring day, and just watching our daughter dance in that huge water puddle brough joy to my heart.
A Cherry On Top issued a color challenge this month, to use green paired with a bright, contrasting color. I immediatley knew I wanted to use the Loopy Lime collection by Ivorys Designz, downloaded from Kjoi Studios. This kit is chocked full of my very favorite color of green. Someday I WILL have a finished studio painted in that color - with accents of red, turquoise and no doubt some hot pink. These colors make me happy. If you love the color LIME, do check out Loopy Lime! You won't be disappointed.
AND if you like freebies, visit my friend Lisa's blog for a chance to win some fun products from the Fiskars family of great scrapbooking product!
Tired of winter? Scrap with bright colors! Many, including myself, consider scrapbooking their mental therapy. It keeps me sane when the world makes me crazy, it lifts my spirit and brings me joy. What better way to embrace a cold winter's day than to scrap with bright, spring colors? Go on, you know you want to!
1 comment:
Thank you so much for your moving and informative post. Depression is an insidious disease that touches every aspect of your life. I will be the first to say that the Fiskateers are my lifeline in the battle. Medication helps-but to know there are friends out there-it has made a huge difference in my life.
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