Sunday, March 9, 2008

Subconscience Scrapping

I found myself digi scrapping with products by three fab designers at FaithSisters on Sunday night: The above page uses these elements: Quick page -- Journeys with Jamie, scalloped frame - Gretchen Tripp (Faithfulness Kit), alpha by Jannylynn (New Bag kit). When I saw the quick page format awaiting three photos I immediately started scanning the many photos I took one Sunday as we hunkered down indoors while ice pelted the roads and every object left open to the sky. Then I had to come up with a title. I remembered that day, and how absolutely silent it was outdoors as I carefully trudged through snow drifts to take photos while all sane people remained indoors. Because of the slick conditions, there was not a sound of traffic, and I cannot ever recall having heard such silence before. It was like being in crystal temple, in which God Himself had touched everything and made it a thing of beauty. It was inspiring, and so few of my photos actually give justice to what I experienced (strong winds blowing did not help in producing clear photos that day).
As I pondered a title, the condition of the day spoke to me, and I came up with "Iced Silence". This morning, I looked at my layout again, and read the Irish quote below.“I believe in the sun when it's not shining, I believe in love even when I feel it not, I believe in God even when he is silent.”
I felt like I was smacked between the eyes. The title, the quote....what a message God was sending me! Have you ever been looked down upon for something you stand for? For who you are as a person, as a unique individual or as a person of faith? If you are involved in the secular world you may experience rejection fairly often if you are a person who "wears faith on a sleeve". And yes, even in the world of religion one can experience rejection as people of different religions do not see eye to eye. So often we fail to see that we are all one body in Christ - reading the Bible, yet not truly grasping and living those words. It really is no wonder that the non-believers of this world look at Christians and see hypocrisy in how they treat one another.
Many times rejection is met with silence. Because you may be different people will take a stance of avoidance. Or, will greet you with forced cordiality and then politely go on their way to busy themselves. These types of environments can leave you feeling cold, and sometimes lonely. It is an icey silence, and such coldness does not foster healthy living. But you know what? God does not promise us a life of peace and happiness. We live in a fallen world, and our journey is sure to experience turbulence. However, Deuteronomy 31:8 assures us, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
When you don’t feel love – know that God loves you always. When all you hear is icey silence – know that God is listening. In that silence listen for Him, and He will speak to your heart. As the Psalmist writes in 59:16, know that God is your strength, sing of his love in the morning and He will sustain you through the day; He will forever be your fortress and refuge in times of trouble.
Isn’t it amazing that as we may feel icey silence from others that are a part of our journey, we can feel His warmth and love in that same situation? I urge everyone who experiences rejection to bury yourself in the Word. God will have a message for you. I have done this over the past week and it is revolutionary. I have actually come to greater compassion for those who reject, and empathize with what they must be going through to come to a point to hurt others. It only makes me want to offer intercession with more fervor, and pray all the more for reconciliation, forgiveness and unity so that we may all work together in service to God with love.
When you face adversity it is natural to want to flee from it. Sometimes, this is best, and may be necessary for safety. Rejection can be overcome. It happened to Jesus when he entered Jerusalem, and yet had the ultimate victory over death. Ask God for guidance, listen for His direction. There are times when we need to meet adversity with love and compassion, and who knows…relationships can heal. With God anything is possible.

Coming up next: Be of Good Salt

P.S. Hey - check out my new "What Inspires Me" song video. We sang this on Sunday and it was so spot on for what is happening in my life right now. Music moves. God rocks. Jesus is victorious!

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