Monday, January 17, 2011

Been busy losing myself!

Hello to all my readers. I have missed blogging for you, but I have been blogging elsewhere...on my purely living blog. I have been on an incredible journey to regain health and wellness in my life. I have been studying women's health, bio-chemistry - and have seriously spent just about every free moment reading. I have been sharing much of what I have learned on my health focused blog.

I became an Arbonne consultant this past spring in order to help friends experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance (as the company offers bio-identical hormone transdermal creams). In helping other women and studying their symptoms, whether it be migraines, PMS, fibromyalgia or cancer...I learned MUCH about health.
In reading about breast cancer I made a firm commitment not to become another statistic, and decided it was time to shed the fat that stores cancer cells. Fewer fat cells = reduction in risk.
I posted before and after pictures these past few days and decided to spill my guts - even confessing in public the large number on the scale that totally appalled me. If you want to read more about my weight loss journey, check out my purely living blog. I do hope to scrap my journey soon. I am not sure if it will be a page, or a mini album - as I have yet to close the chapter on the story of regaining my health and vitality. However, I currently have my nose in four books regarding women's health, nutrition and alternative medicine. Plus I am preparing to teach a few classes to others who wish to lose weight like I did. Somedays I could certainly use a clone - I feel like I barely remember the person who a year ago, could not go a day without scrapbooking. Be patient - I will return to my creative endeavors some time! Thanks for checking in.

Rita S.

1 comment:

BH2 Austin said...

Wow! All of us at Balanced Hormones have enjoyed your other blog but we didn't know you have two of them. How fun! Great job putting the word out there about Bioidentical Hormones. Best of luck on your continued journy!