Take a look at the great new product sent to me by Glitz Designs - I love it so! I love the bright colors mixed with muted tones, lovin' the cards and droolin' to use the Glitz Netz - can't wait to play with it all!

Why is it that the end of the school year seems so busy? Jesse and I are busy planning how we will juggle schedules. We're going to work in shifts this summer and avoid the entire summer babysitter dilemma. Yes, we will save money, but I am worried about Jesse burning out with his "before dawn" work hours. The kids will also have to adjust to the fact that daddy will be too tired to stay up and play with them at night.
Today I wrote a letter to our principal at the elementary school to see if it is still possible to have Abigail tested for early Kindergarten. She doesn't turn 5 until October - but she is SO ready for school. I had given this thought much earlier in the year, and sought advice from others. The school gifted teacher had very little to offer for suggestions, and indicated that nothing is offered until third grade. After asking other moms for their opinion I decided to just wait, as I certainly was not in a hurry to see my baby girl board a school bus this fall. However, Abby continues to amaze me with her spelling, reading and counting - and the girl has been a social butterfly for as long as she could talk and walk. I realized that our holding Abby back is purely selfish, and in all likelihood - not in her best interest. I wrote a letter to the principal, as required, but we are way past the due date for this request, so I am not sure they will do any testing at this point.
If not we will just make the best of it, and make sure she is challenged here at home. The girl is totally into the learning thing. Kyle brings home his spelling words and Abby takes the list, spells out the word and wants to know what it is. I give her the answer with a smile, but suggest we continue focusing on the three and four letter words. Since the age of two Abigail has taken at least one book to bed with her every night - so much for stuffed animals or dolls, eh? It was an early indication that our girl was going to be above average in the department of smarts.
As I did some reading on the internet today in regards to gifted children, and read the list of how to determine if your child is ready for kindergarten, I noted that Abigail exceeds many of the kindergarten expectations. Count to 10? How about 113? Spell their name? Yes, hers, and mine, and Kyle's, her dad's, and at least 15 other words. She recites our address and phone number in a made up song. Identifying shapes and basic colors has been mastered since age 2. I remember being surprised at how early she could identify gray, brown, and other colors not included in the primary and secondary categories. Today she put a 50 piece puzzle of the U.S. together in less than 15 minutes. She is independent - not wanting any help in doing things. Her small size can certainly fool people as to her age, but once she starts talking it's pretty obvious our little girl is a big girl, and proud of that fact. I really do hope that our school will be able to keep up with her!
In the meantime we are in prayer that God will put Abby where she needs to be. Whether she begins kindergarten this fall or ends up waiting another year. We know that God is in control.