Wednesday, January 10, 2007

They don't film 'em like that anymore!

Seems like a long week, but not long enough when I consider all I have on my plate at work to get done before the weekend. I am praying that my favorite volunteer will be able to come in later this week to help out - she is such a blessing to me.
Do you ever watch old television shows? Seeing that there is hardly anything family friendly on TV these days, last year Jesse began buying season reruns of shows he and I grew up on. Andy Griffith, Gilligan's Island, and even good ol' McGyver. The first two comedies are the best stress relievers - I can't think of one current program that can make the whole family laugh like these do. The kids will watch them over and over, and we know they are wholesome programs.
We continue to be blessed with our Monday night Bible studies with our good friends and mentors, Marv and Carol. Marv's check up this week to monitor his cancer has given us great reason to celebrate and praise the Lord! Marv has even been able to do away with his eye glasses he was worn for years. The couple attribute their continued improving health to their complete lifestyle change of eating the Maker's diet, and daily walks.
Marv and Carol have also been loaning us the season sets of Little House on the Prairie. Jesse used to watch this program as a child, and I am pretty sure it came on about the time I had to do chores in the barn, so much of it is new for me. We are both amazed that every episode alludes to God, prayer and other matters of faith. One would NOT find this program making the cut in today's immoral culture and age of reality TV. I can be assured that each evening we watch, that I will laugh out loud as well as be brought to tears. The family is getting used to my sniffles, and last night during one of the most distressing episodes of Little House ever recorded, Abby hopped of dad's lap and said matter-of-factly, "tissue mom?" And then the sweet little girl brought the box over. I must learn to just keep tissue handy when we join Laura Ingalls to relive her life on the prairie. (LOL)
On the scrapbooking front this week a goal is to finish my technique assignment for the Hall of Fame contest. I made a good start last night and hope to finish today. I realized, looking at my progress chart, that once finished I could officially be done with HOF, but for the fact I still have too many ideas remaining. I hope to finish 4-6 more and then choose for HOF. I will then have a great start in my entry for the Memory Makers Masters contest, which comes on the shirt tails of HOF.
Scrapfriends Review Team is also looking for a guest team member for the month of February. I had so badly wanted to try for this team late last year, but with illnesses, Christmas and other deadlines I missed the cut off by a couple of days. I was so disappointed. Most people who know me know that I have been a writer since a child, and I cannot think of a better match than to combine my passion for scrapbooking with writing. The guest team member will be announced mid-January. If only for a month - I know I will enjoy the team if I am fortunate enough to be chosen.
The new day is calling - I pray anyone who reads this will have a wonderful and most blessed day!

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